Entries by amos

Calling all recent college grads looking to start a career in media

Over the past several years, we at the Washington Media Institute have heard from recent grads who are looking to start their career in the media, but really don’t know where to start. Students who aren’t one of the lucky few to lock in a job before graduation often struggle to find the next best […]

Balanced, Not Boring: How Embracing Life’s Simpler Fosters Stability

By Aliza Gray When you hear the phrase “The Roaring Twenties”, more than likely you conjure up images of all things Gatsby, namely sequined-studded flapper dresses and lavish parties. Yes of course the phrase aptly describes the outrageous and brash heyday of our great-grandparents, but in my opinion, that’s not its only definition. We are […]

The perfect program for recent graduates looking for a job in media

Introducing a new program tailored specifically for recent college graduates looking to land a job in media: WMI:JobLab. Our focus is based on one thing: making sure our students are prepared to land a job in media and to be competitive job candidates not just in today’s media landscape, but also tomorrow’s. With this focus […]


By Maizy Kate Lind I have always been attracted to places I know nothing about. There’s an enticing, imminent promise of personal change that comes along with intense adaptation. In coming to Washington, DC, I knew I would learn things about a different social culture, but the uncertainty lay in how I would learn to mold […]

Temporary City Boy

By Kody Murphy I’m a small-town guy. Where I grew up in Michigan you had to drive close to 45 minutes to the nearest Walmart for your monthly grocery shopping trip. I grew up in a place where you are surrounded by trees in every direction. My graduating class was just under a hundred people. […]

We Breathe Fire

By Emma Kelly “Some women fear the fire, some women simply become it…” – R.H. Sin The 2017 Women’s March in Washington, D.C. was the largest demonstration in U.S. history. As unfathomable as it sounds, more than 4 million people marched across the country, according to the Washington Post. This didn’t include sister marches all […]

Top 5 Favorite Healthy Foods in DC

By Arielle Berger Hi. My name is Arielle and I am no stranger to food. I love to try new foods and seek out places to eat that are off the beaten path. I grew up eating primarily organic food with a salad at every home cooked meal, so I have a good sense of […]

How to Entertain Yourself When You Have Free Time at Work

By Nora Scally Update your LinkedIn I’ve become a master at making sure my LinkedIn profile is up to date and looking like a business professional. Browse through your photos and find the perfect headshot, write descriptions for all the jobs you’ve worked, and make sure you sound like a professional. Apply for Jobs/Internships On […]

Metro Story

By Marc-Yves Regis II When I found out that I would have to ride the metro into work, I was ecstatic. I had an overly romanticized view of what the ride would be like; I pictured myself holding a warm cup of coffee in one hand, with a crisp copy of The Washington Post in the other. […]